First, let me thank you for being a compassionate animal Advocate and for wanting to help make a difference in your community. The Haven is a no-kill, non-profit animal shelter that has 11 canine runs and 8 feline cages. We would love to take in every animal, but due to space and lack of additional resources we must focus on one pet at a time. Please use these guidelines to help place this animal you are willing to help. Please be sure to read all of the steps the first time.
“Remember that finding a pet a good, caring home takes time and please be patient!”
If you have found a stray, begin at Step 1
If you own this pet and it needs a new home, begin at Step 2
A skittish animal may NOT be wild or stray: Many pets will not approach strangers.
Confine the Pet: e.g. place the dog in a fenced-in area, the cat in a room in the house
Ask Around: speak with the neighbors, newspaper & mail carriers, meter reader-have they have seen this animal before? Also, ask them to spread the word.
Create a “Found Pet” Flyer: There are several Lost and Found Pet Flyer templates online for your convenience. You can click here to create yours today. You will need a good photograph of the animal and some basic information to include in your flyer.
Display these flyers at local vet clinic, animal shelters and other humane animal organizations, pet stores, grooming shops, and grocery stores. You can also try mom and pop businesses. Most franchises will not allow these flyers to be posted at their business. You can also try major intersections and houses within a 6 to 8 block radius of where the animal was found. The more flyers you put out the better. Please visit http://www.bestfriends.org/nomorehomelesspets/resourcelibrary/flyermaker/flyermaker.cfm for help creating flyers for lost or adoptable pets. We recommend that you save the file in a pdf format. Once the file is opened and saved you can email a copy of this flyer to us so we can print a copy to display here at the shelter.
Another great resource is PetBond.com They offer free or paid services that will send out your lost flyer to local rescue groups, animal shelters, and veterinary clinics in your area.
CALL YOUR LOCAL ANIMAL SHELTERS: Contact your local shelters and provide them with the information from the flyer. The Haven encourages you to email the flyer as an attached file so we can print and post a copy as well. Our email is info@havenforanimals.org.
The Haven | 251-929-3980 |
BARC | 251-928-4585 |
The City of Fairhope Animal Shelter | 251-929-0354 |
The City of Daphne Animal Shelter | 251-621-2831 |
Baldwin County Animal Control | 251-972-6834 |
Bay Minette Animal Control | 251-580-2559 |
Mobile SPCA | 251-633-3531 |
The City of Mobile Animal Shelter | 251-208-2800 |
North Baldwin Animal Shelter | 251-937-8811 |
CHECK “LOST PET” ADS in the newspaper every day & THE “LOST PET” list at your local animal shelter.
If you can not keep the pet call your local rescue group and see if they may have any openings. You can also start a foster roster and ask a family member or co-worker to sign up for a week or two while you do the marketing. Remember, if the rescue group is full, your last resort may be your local animal shelter.
Be sure to mention your “Found Pet” flyer to the animal shelter that the animal is in. If you are reluctant to turn a pet over to a shelter, please consider:
- The owners may be on vacation and may miss your flyer
- Some people do not receive the paper and may miss your ad
- Most people who lose a pet check with their local shelter first
A cat that visits regularly or gobbles food may not be lost or starving-some cats just like to “Dine Out”
If a cat is showing up regularly for feeding and attention, ask your neighbors to see if they know the owner. If this persists for more than 2 weeks and the owner has not be found, proceed to Step 2.
- Spay or neuter the animal. ·
- Provide shots & worming
- Provide flea and ear mite treatment
- Test dogs for heartworms
- Test cats for leukemia & FIV
If you are a recipient of Medicaid call The Haven for help with spaying or neutering or CLICK on the spay and neuter link for more details..
IF THE PET HAS HEALTH PROBLEMS TAKE IT TO A VET-Do not try to find a home for an ill animal. Bring the animal to a vet and if you need help with finances or transportation, ask friends, co-workers to assist you.
Animal Behavior Helpline: 212-721-1231.
Linda Goodloe, Ph.D. and Peter Borchelt, Ph.D.
Cost is $40 for 30 minutes, $1/minute beyond that.
(Certified applied animal behaviorists, licensed psychologist
ASPCA, Education Dept.
Canine Resource and Referral Helpline
American Dog Trainers Network
(212)727-7257 (1-3pm EST)
[Note: Due to limited staff, if our machine is full or if we do not return your call within a few days, please call us again. No mornings, please!
Canine Behavioral Problem Helpline
William Campbell, PhD
[Cost: $25. per call]
Do not place your pet without disclosing a behavior problem—it’s unfair to the new owners and to the animal, which may get abused as a result, and
Do not ‘dump’ your pet-this ensures misery & death for the pet AND is illegal.
CONTACT THE AGENCIES & GROUPS listed on our resource sheet.
ASK EVERYONE YOU KNOW-Don’t forget relatives and casual acquaintances.
PUT UP FLYERS with color pictures of your pet at pet stores, vet clinics, mom & pop businesses, shopping centers, schools, libraries, post offices, churches, and anywhere else where people congregate. If you have access to the internet, get on the web. Use pictures of your pet being affectionate or playful- in this case, a picture is worth more than a thousand words!
PLACE ADS IN LOCAL NEWSPAPERS and OTHER COMMUNITY MAGAZINES-Doing so will produce the most responses, but be extra cautious when screening potential homes.
Giving away an animal for FREE may attract those who want to profit from the pet or use it for other purposes and spur-of-the-moment ‘shoppers’, who can not afford vet care.
TARGET YOUR AD AT YOUR AUDIENCE- remember that adult pets are good for young children, or homes where they will be alone all day: quiet, gentle animals are good for the handicapped or for people unsure of animals. Older pets are good for seniors so remember to put flyers up at retirement communities and or senior centers)