Do you enjoy leading and contributing to the betterment of your community’s people and pets? There are many ways to help homeless pets heal and find a second chance. You can have a direct impact in a variety of ways. Whatever event you choose to help raise awareness and funds for homeless pets, be sure to let The Haven know about your event. Check out the list below.
Create a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser for The Haven: Facebook will donate all donations raised through your event
directly to The Haven without charging you any fees. To view the easy instructions, click “create your birthday fundraiser”.
Organize a Yard Sale: Before your sale, decide the amount of money you want to donate to The Haven. Next, collect, organize, and price items for your sale. Decide when and where your sale will take place. Make a plan for promoting your event next. Be sure to let The Haven know about your sale so we can help promote it. Use @havenforanimals in your posts if you create an event on social media using a platform like Facebook.
Cocktail Pawty: Do you enjoy hosting social events? You’ll love this idea of helping homeless pets. Simply organize an evening at your home where you serve up some of the most delicious hors d’oeuvres and specialty drinks (which can be non-alcoholic). Have fun with it by naming the food nibbles after pet themes. For example, you can serve dogs in a blanket” (tasty miniature sausages wrapped in croissants). And why not give your unique beverage a name like “The Salty Chihuahua”? Click here for a list of creative ideas.
Host a Dinner: This one concept is an excellent way to show your activism in your community. You can choose to
create the menu or have the dinner catered. Once you decide on the menu, create the list of guests you will invite. You can keep it simple by emailing your friends the invitation or kicking things up a notch by mailing them a personalized invitation. Tell your friends why you are holding this dinner and ask them to make a donation of a specific amount to help animals at The Haven. This amount should align with your fundraising goal. There are many ideas online for menu items to the theme of the evening.